Well, even though it was 4 weeks early, my water broke on March 26, 2010 at 5:15 am. My water always breaks in bed! So, we called the dr and we went to Texas Womens Hospital. I had Bradley via C-section at 11:14 am. I love my doctor and my hospital experience was wonderful! I highly recommend Texas Womans Hospital to anyone! Brad was early so he went straight to the NICU. That was probably good because he had a little trouble breathing one time that first day
and so they kept him there another 5 days to make sure that didn't happen again and to rule out more serious problems. But, Big Bad Brad is a champ is eating well and sleeping well. He should come home tomorrow, barring anymore problems! God is so good! We know He is watching over us and has His hand in our lives. We are so thankful for our newest addition and for all the help, prayers, meal, gifts, and blessings we have received. Our hearts are full.