Today Will, the boys and I went to Lakewood Pool. It was their opening day and anyone could come for free, so we went. It brought back so many memories! I could have stayed there all day! I kept thinking I saw kids I knew from when I life-guarded there, but for that to be true they would have had to have not aged at all in 12 years.
J I did see some people that I knew though. There was this one kid Matthew, that I used to life-guard when he was about 7 years old. He is 19 now, but we remembered each other. I had to help rescue his sister one time. It was the only save I ever had to do as a lifeguard. And he remembered it. I couldn’t believe how big he was now. I saw a couple other people I knew, but mostly I liked seeing the pool. I don’t know what it is about me and pools. I just can’t get enough of them. And this one in particular. It was shallow enough for Dylan to walk around in, has a baby pool, and a diving board – all the essentials. I was shocked to find out though, that they had done away with lifeguards (gasp!) and it was now swim-at-your-own-risk. The horror! I felt so nostalgic being there again. I spent most my childhood swimming there all day long, and then all of my teen-hood summers working there. I was excited about going, but was surprised by the rush of emotions that hit me when I got there. It was great. Will was happy that he finally got to see that piece of my life that he had heard so much about. I was very saddened to learn that they might have to close it. To me it will always be ‘The Lakewood pool’ – sandy bottoms, the yellow baby pool, and a thousand summer memories.
1 comment:
Holy Cow...I remember going to clean it every year. Reading about it brings back lots of memories. Good and bad. I remember this one guy Kyle grabbed my legs from under the water and I hadn't shaved in a long time! It was really embarrassing!!!
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