June 26, 2008

Papa Bear

Will laid the smack down on some kids on our street who were playing a little too rough with Dylan. They were shooting him with a dart gun and forgot that he is 5 years younger than them. He talked to all the kids and later two of the kids and one kid's parents came over and the kids apologized. It was cute to see Will so protective. We will give them one more try before we ban them from ever playing with him again. Don't you mess with my boy!

June 25, 2008

Baby Borrowers

I saw this new show on TV tonight (at least it is new to me) called "Baby Borrowers." These 4 couples of teenagers who think they are ready to have a baby find out what it is really like. They have to wear the pregnant belly, take a child-birth class (with all the gory details) and then they have to take care of a real baby for 3 days and nights by themselves. The real parents are watching on camera the whole time, and can intervene if they feel the need. It is hilarious! They have to do all the baby shopping, changing, bathing, feeding, bed time, etc. It is so funny watching them get mad at each other and be totally clueless as to what to do to make 'this thing' or 'it' -as one guy calls the baby- stop crying. It is nice to see them be worn out and frustrated. That is such a universal parent thing. Anyway, in the end they find out it isn't as easy as they thought and I'm sure they all re-consider having a baby. Most will probably break up. Anyway, it makes for some funny TV! I love it. It is great birth control.

June 15, 2008

'Nuff Said

Here is Dylan's funny face. We got a little camera happy today at our Father's Day dinner...

Funny Faces

We got in a bit of a silly mood today... I won't put mom and dad's on here to spare them the public humiliation. They were good too, though!!! ( I may be bribed...)

June 11, 2008

So Forgetful!

Ever feel like you would forget your head if it wasn't glued on? I think I would! I got a pulled over yesterday and got a ticket for having an expired inspection sticker. (Texas does NOT send reminder letters when it is time to renew, like Utah did. I wish i would have known that!) So, since it was expired for longer than 60 days -oops- I have to pay a $175 fine and talk to a judge at the courthouse. Ouch! Then, I realized that Will's inspection sticker on his car is expired too (in January) and that I gotta get that done first thing in the morning! Man! Then, I forgot to cancel an payment to the bank that I was supposed to cancel, and it got sent. Dang! So, now I gotta deal with that mess and see if I can fix it. I swear I am losing it! (If I ever had it to begin with...)

June 9, 2008

I'm no Beetoven

I am taking piano lessons. Yes, I know I am a bit old for that, but I ain't gettin' any younger! No time like the present. I am just beginning to put the notes on the lines and sight-read. It is hard. I can't imagine playing all 4 parts at the same time- (Soprano, Alto, etc.) -and paying attention to the length of each note (quarter note, half note, etc.) ! I don't know how people do it! It will take me a long time to get there, but it is fun to learn new things. I am open to suggestions and tips, if anyone has any.

June 8, 2008

Why Why, Lorelai?

I am so obsessed with Gilmore Girls! It is pathetic! It has been off the air for like 2 years now and I still watch re-runs of it if I ever get alone time. Why? Why am I so obsessed with this show? Anyone got any answers for me?

Kids say the darndest things...

I asked the kids at my Wee School how old they thought I was. One said "16!" and I said, "No." Then one said, "60!" I should have stopped at 16...

Lakewood Pool Club

Today Will, the boys and I went to Lakewood Pool. It was their opening day and anyone could come for free, so we went. It brought back so many memories! I could have stayed there all day! I kept thinking I saw kids I knew from when I life-guarded there, but for that to be true they would have had to have not aged at all in 12 years. J I did see some people that I knew though. There was this one kid Matthew, that I used to life-guard when he was about 7 years old. He is 19 now, but we remembered each other. I had to help rescue his sister one time. It was the only save I ever had to do as a lifeguard. And he remembered it. I couldn’t believe how big he was now. I saw a couple other people I knew, but mostly I liked seeing the pool. I don’t know what it is about me and pools. I just can’t get enough of them. And this one in particular. It was shallow enough for Dylan to walk around in, has a baby pool, and a diving board – all the essentials. I was shocked to find out though, that they had done away with lifeguards (gasp!) and it was now swim-at-your-own-risk. The horror! I felt so nostalgic being there again. I spent most my childhood swimming there all day long, and then all of my teen-hood summers working there. I was excited about going, but was surprised by the rush of emotions that hit me when I got there. It was great. Will was happy that he finally got to see that piece of my life that he had heard so much about. I was very saddened to learn that they might have to close it. To me it will always be ‘The Lakewood pool’ – sandy bottoms, the yellow baby pool, and a thousand summer memories.

June 7, 2008

I think this is hilarious!
Grandpa Keith and Grandma Sheryl with the 'Graduate.'
Dylan graduated from Pre-School this year and will start Kindergarten in the fall! I can't believe it! He is getting so big!
Dylan and Landon love the beach! This picture is from last summer. We haven't gone this summer yet, due to crazy gas prices. But, we will soon. Those boys love the water! And, as you can see, the sand.


Kung Fu Panda

Dylan and I (Will) went to Kung Fu Panda today at the Theatre. It was a good movie to take a 5 year old to and Dylan and I enjoyed it quite a bit. 4 out of 5 hamburgers. We also shared a kids movie kit (pcorn, m&ms, soda). This afternoon I watched the Belmont Stakes. Big Brown lost on his bid to be the first Triple Crown winner since I was born in 1978. Some other horse won.