I saw this new show on TV tonight (at least it is new to me) called "Baby Borrowers." These 4 couples of teenagers who think they are ready to have a baby find out what it is really like. They have to wear the pregnant belly, take a child-birth class (with all the gory details) and then they have to take care of a real baby for 3 days and nights by themselves. The real parents are watching on camera the whole time, and can intervene if they feel the need. It is hilarious! They have to do all the baby shopping, changing, bathing, feeding, bed time, etc. It is so funny watching them get mad at each other and be totally clueless as to what to do to make 'this thing' or 'it' -as one guy calls the baby- stop crying. It is nice to see them be worn out and frustrated. That is such a universal parent thing. Anyway, in the end they find out it isn't as easy as they thought and I'm sure they all re-consider having a baby. Most will probably break up. Anyway, it makes for some funny TV! I love it. It is great birth control.
I am so gonna have to watch that! Sounds hilarious!
That is such a great idea! I don't know why they don't do something more realistic like that in the High Schools. Geesh!
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